Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Anonymous For A Reason

I recently read a blog posting on a Rachel Smith Blogsite. Apparently I am fictitious. That was news to me. If you take the time to read my postings, you will see that I have accumulated alot of information over the last 10 years. It is information on people that are extremely dangerous and could pose a threat to Ms Lakaev and her family.

I have also chosen to remain anonymous for my and my familys own safety.

Please understand this is not a joke. I have the avenues to research in depth areas of peoples lives that is not readily available to the general public. The people involved know that the information I have placed on the world wide web is damning.

Please be careful what you say and do - you are putting yourself in the firing line.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Those Involved

To me, two pockets of people are very clearly involved in the slander and defamation of Natasha Lakaev and Universal Knowledge. The first as mentioned in my original Blog are a combination of Nikos Violaris, Ken & Kula Jacobi, Kate Dash and Aldona DeRyke. The second group are Deanna Reginato, Warren & Annette Denny, Catherine Lock and Warren Hayden. Interestingly enough, all of these people (except Nikos Violaris who has never been directly involved in Universal Knowledge or was ever known to Natasha Lakaev) were asked to leave the sphere of Universal Knowledge as they were caught out for lying. Even though this may appear radical, compare it to a common structure - how do we treat Polititians when they are caught lying. They are immediately ejected from a structure that is based on truth. Think about it. This is not bizaare behaviour, it is sensible. I have since come across a document that you may find of interest. Judge for yourself.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Course Timeline Proves It

I have been provided with a very succinct account of the courses held during the time when Ms Deanna Reginato was running Universal Knowledge and held the role of primary Instructor.

Insights Day - 25 April 2004 9 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Access Day - 24 April 2004 6 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato The Next Evolutionary Step (TNES) TNES - 25-29 March 2004 15 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Other Past Lifetimes - 19-21 Mar 2004 11 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Personal Mastery & Metaphysical Counselling Certificate (PM&MC) PM&MC - Commenced 13 Dec 2003 14 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 20-24 Nov 2003 11 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato The Final Step - 24-31 Oct 2003 15 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Universal Healing - 3-5 Oct 2003 12 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Children's Awakening - 27-28 Sept 2003 10 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 11-15 Sept 2003 4 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato The Survivors Program - 8 Feb 2003 21 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 14-18 Nov 2002 8 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 12-16 Sep 2002 8 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 11 - 15 Jul 2002 13 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Metaphysical Practitioner Certificate 25 May - 8 Sep 2002 4 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Insights Day - 28 Apri 2002 2 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Access Day - 27 April 2002 3 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 21 - 25 Mar 2002 6 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Instructors Certificate - 4 Jan 2002 3 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato PM&MC - 15 Dece 2001 3 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 25-29 Oct 2001 5 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Children's Awakening - 6 - 7 Oct 2001 12 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 23-27 Aug 2001 3 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Psychic Readers Certificate - Aug 2001 4 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 7-11 Jan 2001 7 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato The FInal Step - 20 - 27 Oct 2000 17 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Universal Healing - 13 - 15 Oct 2000 6 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Insights Day - 21 May 2000 6 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Access Day - 20 May 2000 6 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Other Past Lifetimes - 19 May 2000 6 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Access day - 29 April 2000 5 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato PM&MC - 22 December 1999 3 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Parenting Program - 9 Jul 1999 18 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Psychic Readers Cert - 8 May 1999 4 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Insights Day - 25 April 1999 5 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Access Day - 24 April 1999 8 STudents Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 8-12 May 1999 4 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Access Day - 27 March 1999 11 STudents Instructor, Deanna Reginato The SUrvivors Program - 13 Feb 1999 14 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 3-7 DEcember 1998 15 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato The Final Step - 23-30 Oct 1998 53 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 20-24 Aug 1998 24 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Parenting Program - 20-24 Jul 1998 16 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 4-8 June 1998 7 STudents Instructor, Deanna Reginato Other Past Lives - 22 - 24 May 1998 Being Female - 1 May 1998 49 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato TNES - 19-23 March 1998 12 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Insights Day - 26 April 1998 33 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato Access Day - 25 April 1998 28 Students Instructor, Deanna Reginato

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Uproar over Camp Hell Article

As promised, please find attached the article entitled CAMP HELL. Even though this article appears damning, it pales in comparison to the letters of support that were received by Universal Knowledge (also attached). The belief in the work by the supporters of Universal Knowledge programs is evident by the uproar and outrage to articles of this calibre being published.