Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Those Involved

To me, two pockets of people are very clearly involved in the slander and defamation of Natasha Lakaev and Universal Knowledge. The first as mentioned in my original Blog are a combination of Nikos Violaris, Ken & Kula Jacobi, Kate Dash and Aldona DeRyke. The second group are Deanna Reginato, Warren & Annette Denny, Catherine Lock and Warren Hayden. Interestingly enough, all of these people (except Nikos Violaris who has never been directly involved in Universal Knowledge or was ever known to Natasha Lakaev) were asked to leave the sphere of Universal Knowledge as they were caught out for lying. Even though this may appear radical, compare it to a common structure - how do we treat Polititians when they are caught lying. They are immediately ejected from a structure that is based on truth. Think about it. This is not bizaare behaviour, it is sensible. I have since come across a document that you may find of interest. Judge for yourself.

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