Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Silent Observation

It is very interesting to watch the hype being generated by a number of individuals in regard to Universal Knowledge and Natasha Lakaev. I have remained silent and observed for 10 years. I have never participated in any programs run by Universal Knowledge, nor do I know anyone who has. I have no history at all with Universal Knowledge nor Natasha Lakaev. My interest in Universal Knowledge was sparked when sudden media attention was directed toward an unknown organization and woman calling her a cult leader and her concepts a cult. The intensity with which the slander was aimed at Natasha Lakaev and Universal Knowledge (Life Integration Programs) prompted me to look deeper. Quite quickly it became obvious that a sophisticated cover up was being incepted along with the ‘framing’ of an individual. The fact that the article titled ‘Camp Hell’ (attached for your reference) was published in The Sunday Mail in 1998 and that other footage was splashed across the television screen via Ray Martin and A Current Affair was appalling and a massive abuse of media rights. I have cumulated a large archive box of evidence and from what I have seen, I have had good reason for not coming forward to this point. The people involved in discrediting Natasha Lakaev and Universal Knowledge are criminals and extremely dangerous, cleverly using Ms Lakaev as a diversion from the real issue. The larger picture incorporates Kerry Packer, Nicos Alexander Violaris, Sir Julius Chan and the Sandline Affair in Papua New Guinea. The book ‘The Sandline Affair’ by Sean Dorney delves into the worst crisis faced by PNG since their independence with the use of mercenaries to end war on Bougainville and reopen the islands rich copper mine. Sean Dorney warned journalists not to touch this topic as those who speak about it seem to simply ‘vanish’. It is interesting to note that not one person would put their name to an article in fear of losing their job or being smeared in a similar fashion to Ms Natasha Lakaev (via Packer). This woman should be commended for allowing her name to be utilized in this way as it meant that her family and friends would remain safe. Those closest to her accepted their responsibility for silence on the issue in order to protect their families and friends. Why should these people be punished for being loyal to a family that has been through so much. Why should she be denied friendship and help because of something that has happened through no fault of hers, but through the ignorance of a woman called Kula. This illustrates a strength and unwavering bravery from a woman who stands by what she believes. I have decided to step forward at this point as I believe Natasha Lakaev and her family has been through enough. Far more than anyone should endure in one lifetime. I also believe that the people who are rehashing this cult approach do not have the full picture and would not be touching this topic if they knew the facts, otherwise, they would realise they are playing with people’s lives as well as endangering their own. And so the story begins…. Kula Jacobi (nee Violaris) commenced courses with Life Integration Programs in November 1992 at which time she also received counseling from Deanna Reginato and Natasha Lakaev. Kula was married a naïve virgin and subsequently was thrown into the dark and seedy but extremely wealthy world of Nicos Violaris. Violaris was an imposing man and knew everyone from the likes of Sir Julius Chan and Kerry Packer to criminal underworld figures. He is neither an Australian citizen, nor on a permanent visa but has a number of Australian shelf companies that he claims require him to be in Australia. Violaris’ connection with Kerry Packer is one that commenced with the Sandline Affair in Papua New Guinea. When the indigenous population began to revolt over the Sandline development, the dollar loss was too much to risk. Packer and other investors enlisted the assistance of Nicos Violaris to sort out the ‘problem’. Violaris with his fleet of ‘fishing vessels’ recruited and delivered mercenaries from Africa to kill those revolting against the Sandline development, creating a connection between Kerry Packer (aka Channel 9 aka A Current Affair) and Nicholas Violaris. In affect Mr Violaris was a very well paid ‘bag man’ with a number of non profitable businesses in his name. To date there is no trail as to where Mr Violaris has gained such huge amounts of wealth. No where in the world is there a trail to any legitimate business that involves this particular character. Where has the funds for his numerous penthouses and very lush overseas trips come from? As Kula divulged information about Violaris’ life to Natasha Lakaev in confidential counseling sessions, the paranoid Violaris could never take the risk of Ms Lakaev going public. Additionally, Packer could never risk his connection with Violaris as it would associate him with underground figures opening him up to all sorts of Government audits etc. In an obsessive drive to squash any potential future problems, Violaris recruited mercenaries in a different form. He set about financially bribing local Burringbar residents to backstab and discredit a woman they had eaten at the same table with and shared many school holidays with as their children played at each other’s homes. It is interesting to note that following these events each individual and family suddenly came into a lot of unexplained funds: Warren Hayden – Burringbar resident and immediate neighbour to Natasha Lakaev paid off his house and land in full, not bad for someone who has been on unemployment benefits prior to these events for at least 10 years. Ken Jacobi – home paid off in full and children placed into private education (doing very well for a Brisbane Court Sheriff’s wage). Aldona de Ryke – Overseas holiday, paid in full and purchased a new 4WD. Kate Dash – retired, yet had the ability to purchase outright 4 or 5 properties Douglas Family – received $500,000 home from public donations received via A Current Affair, with one donor contributing $300,000. Other possible people paid off will be listed at a later date A lot of money changed hands during this period and it is important to realise that every single one of these individuals who were negatively involved, have a background story. They are not innocents. In fact, their actions only empower those around us with no moral code or conscious. In 1999 Natasha Lakaev provided a number of journalists including myself with an uncut, unedited version of the David Margan interview on A Current Affair. She also gave us copies of over 100 letters of support that indicates a bias by Kerry Packer and Channel 9. Unedited footage was forwarded to all of the major newspapers, television and radio stations in Australia. So why is it that only A Current Affair and Sunday Mail newspaper article have gone for this woman? It is because everyone else has the evidence showing the fabrication and they are too afraid to poke around in Mr. Kerry Packer’s business? However all were frightened off by death threats and unable to assist a woman and her three young sons. I will be posting the unedited versus edited version of the interview on the net in the very near future. Once I get my head around the technology. With what this woman has endured, why is this story being rehashed? It will bring a lot of nasty and dangerous people out of the woodwork, people you do not want to know or be associated with. Natasha Lakaev and her family have literally been in hiding – moving to another state and living in fear for their lives. The last I heard, Ms Lakaev was suffering from a terminal illness and was bed ridden. This is not a hoax! These people are dangerous. It is the people who were bribed in the past and those who appeared on A Current Affair that are likely to reappear – Warren Hayden, the Douglas family, Ken Jacobi, Kate Dash, Aldona de Ryke. Why? There are many reasons but at the end of the day when you have been involved with criminals and have prospered you ultimately are owned by them. These current opportunists obviously do not realize what they are generating and it is inevitable that the truth will rise to the surface causing disfavour for those negatively involved. This is why when anyone has said cult, Ms Lakaev said nothing and left it alone. She knew to speak out would endanger lives. As a journalist it seems to me that very stupid people are allowing those with only a portion of the information to go forward in this fashion. They are literally dealing with an international circle of people where the common man’s life is cheap. Again I must reiterate the need to familiarize yourselves with Sean Dorney’s book about Sandline and PNG. My aim is to now look at what has caused this to resurface and perhaps from an anonymous perspective I can in someway aid this incredibly brave woman. I have had the opportunity to track her work and her family and without ever having completed her practical courses I can from a lay man’s perspective begin to appreciate that there may be great merit to her work. Interestingly I read an exert from a book by Dr David Millikan (Reverend and former head of Religious Broadcasting for ABC Radio) about Ms Lakaev and found it incredible that a religious man could place such high value on her concepts. What he has written follows: The Next Evolutionary Step offers the promise of undoing the damage, overcoming the imposed limitations and allowing the infinite capacities of the inner person to emerge and take charge of ones destiny. Natasha is holding out the possibility of escaping the limitations of this world and realising our true potential. And that potential is limitless. Her evaluation of human beings is... we are extremely powerful entities, probably the most powerful in the Universe... The Members of Scientology, A Course in Miracles, Forum and Natasha Lakaev are highly focused and energised to achieve success in a world which is proving more and more traumatic for the Western middle classes. Although the details of their teaching vary there are great coincidences in their philosophical presuppositions. In ways Natasha provides the most accessible. But she is in a crowded field these days. But perhaps she is different - repeatedly she offers the world the opportunity to examine her claims. The claims of psychic renewal, physical healing, the arrival of financial security and the discovery of loving relationships are the public claims which can be tested. So the decision is ours. As for the others, they are large organisations whose founders are either dead or no longer have dealings with them. They are taking on the character of organisations with the disadvantage of impersonality which results. There is much at stake in these teachings. They will not disappear. They can no longer be dismissed as the products of a passing stage in human culture. They are here to stay, and it is time that they were brought into the middle of the contemporary discussion in Australia. It may come as a surprise that I have included Natasha Lakaev in company with the groups mentioned above. She may not appear to have the same weight or profile as the others, but I have done this for three reasons. First she is Australian which in itself is significant if we are going to understand the new dimensions which are emerging within the national discussion. Second, she has stood the test of controversy and time. It is characteristic of groups such as this that they all find themselves the subject of concerted scrutiny and opposition. No new religion enters the world without a battle. I know of no major religious movement which has come to prominence without surviving the skepticism and opposition of the world. This has been the case with Natasha Lakaev. The third reason I have included her in this collection is because I met with her following participating in an introductory lecture she gave in Sydney. I understand that my encounter with her was brief and even superficial but it was sufficient for me to recognise that she is a person of passionate commitment who has given her life to the propagation of her teachings. She has the resolution ad clarity of purpose of a person who has personal experience of what she speaks. She does not have the silky voice of a new Age guru. Nor does she have the blinding hype and high pressre which carries you along against your will. but the claims she makes are none the less remarkable and if true, offer a means to changing the character of this world in ways no less radical than the other groups described. Natasha Lakaev claims to have taught more than 10000 people in the various courses which are built on the introductory five days, The Next Evolutionary Step. She has a center North of Byron Bay but conducts courses in Brisbane, Sydney and in the past South Africa. She claims that the response to her teachings in South Africa were overwhelming. She told me that her first visit to South Africa came about following a meeting in a hotel lobby in Australia with a South African who said he recognised her from a prophecy which he had heard of a white woman who would come and bring a revelation in the country. He paid for her to travel to South Africa and claims that her first meeting resulted in a near riot. Lakaev is not nibbling at the edges of wisdom or philosophical thought. She addresses questions which have perplexed the philosophers, visionaries and saints from the beginning of time. And yet she is at first an ordinary looking person. She is not a great beauty, she does not come with a set of esoteric understandings, which only the brilliant can understand. She is a small neat woman with intense dark eyes. Her voice has a reassuring Aussie sound and she presents herself directly and without apology. DAVID MILLIKAN If you are interesting in reading more about Natasha Lakaev, please refer to Rev Dr David Millikan's book Escaping the Cave. A book should be written on what this woman has endured. Hopefully she will because if this woman is such a cult leader why has there been so little media activity in her direction. We have all of the information, but for the safety of herself and her children she has been left alone…..until now! This amazing woman and her three sons are brilliant humans and for them to have to go into hiding again due to the ignorance of two or three individuals seems such a waste. I truly commend those people who have the strength and foresight to defend this woman and her work because all she is doing is providing information which generates no profit for her personally. To then degenerate her other business’ which are purely providing income for her children is despicable as Ms Lakaev is a single mother who has never gone on the dole or taken any other form of Government Support. Ms Lakaev has accepted no financial assistance from any one – family or otherwise and so it appears that her income is once again being put on the line through malicious fabrication. After delving further into the names associated with this – Warren Hayden, Warren Denny, Annette Denny, Catherine Lock and Deanna Reginato, it appears that they are in some sort of court case where they are being sued for defamation of Ms Lakaev’s name and that this is their feeble attempt to try to set their case up via the internet, using credible sources to generate a smear campaign. When the characters in the original story see a rehashing of this data for personal gain they may target the likes of Warren Hayden, Warren Denny, Deanna Reginato, Lisa Webber, Annette Denny, and Catherine Lock and the other parties involved. It seems to be the same people each time. The group doesn’t expand in size and their tactic doesn’t change. Are they looking for a sudden surge in cash again? You know, it is a shame that sensationalist journalists with no reputation can take such a small amount of information and run with it, and then those who actually have all of the accurate data cannot disclose information for fear of lives being affected (for example their own families). Those with integrity must sit back and watch poor quality journalists build careers on false data. To actually use this woman on websites like this shows that those who own the sites either; A) Do not have the correct information; B) Have the correct information but are ignoring it because they want their website page to advance on the back of innocents; or C) They are not credible because credible websites would remove information immediately upon being given the facts. I will return with a link as promised with the letters regarding the Brisbane Sunday Mail article published some 10 years ago. One wonders whether this article is relevant in today’s society. Perhaps after reading these responses and then later viewing the barbaric current affair program attack along with the letters sent to the TV station in question everyone should simply bow out gracefully realizing that a great injustice has occurred. There are times in history when this is the best form of apology. Keep an eye on this blog page to gain access to the video footage and other data. I do hope that Ms Lakaev accepts my apology for interfering with her privacy but sometimes an injustice cannot be ignored. She will probably not agree with me on this. But she doesn’t know who I am anyway.

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