Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Since posting my first blog, I have noticed there has been a large increase in traffic to all Natasha Lakaev and Universal Knowledge Pty Ltd sites. This illustrates that there is a genuine interest in the truth and more importantly, people are prepared to research for the truth. I am continually stunned at the amount of information people can provide when given the avenue to assist in exposing a genuine injustice. As an independent journalist I always look into both sides of the story. After extensive research I must admit that I have found it extremely difficult to find any REAL evidence discrediting Natasha Lakaev and/or Universal Knowledge. It also appears to be a very small group of people who have any negative comments towards Natasha Lakaev and/or her associated businesses or otherwise. So far, I have seen a woman who has been grossly misjudged and attacked for allowing the truth to be evident. I welcome however anyone with credibility that wishes to provide me with actual data to the contrary. The video footage is well at hand and I will be providing a link for this in the next day or so. I think you will find it extremely interesting. In 1998, A Current Affair aired a segment on their program exposing an alleged Cult facilitating a course that was entitled ‘Camp Hell’ by an ill informed newspaper in Brisbane. The video footage that was aired was grossly edited from the unedited interview that took place and to prove this abuse of media privilege, I have both the original interview with David Margan and the edited segment that was aired on 23rd November 1998. Upon viewing these videos, I don’t believe you will ever be able to watch any media program without questioning their motive, the truth and what they stand to gain from airing any segment. As an ethical journalist, I am absolutely disgusted with what I viewed on these tapes and how A Current Affair completely misrepresented Natasha Lakaev and her intentions. The first video segment shows the unedited interview between Natasha Lakaev and A Current Affair reporter David Margan, along with footage leading up to the interview in question taking place. It is very interesting to note that nothing had an above board approach and was very intentionally personally affronting to Universal Knowledge clients. What I mean to say here is that ACA actions were designed to undermine any trust of privacy or safety clients may feel while doing Universal Knowledge courses. This is a very clever way to prevent future client participation, thereby financially crippling the business and its staff. This aside from the fact that data presented to the public was viciously and unnecessarily sensationalized. That is to say the ‘truth’ was not presented in a fair and neutral manner so that the public could make an intelligent decision in regards to the concepts presented by Universal Knowledge. The second segment is the edited interview that was aired on A Current Affair on 23 November 1998. However to understand this footage in its entirety I urge you to first read the documentation that was sent to ACA prior to the airing of the segment on national television. It is within this data that it becomes increasingly obvious that ACA deliberately did not put the whole story forward, although they did hold the paperwork up for the general public to see they received it and this was how they prevented themselves from being brought before the Australian Broadcasting Authority for total misrepresentation of the facts, however the ABA did find them in breach of violating people’s (the client’s) privacy. This documentation contains within it valuable narrative about Natasha Lakaev and how the general community views her and her family, along with dialogue from long term and short term clients. It is at this point that one has no choice but to realise that you are watching a travesty of justice taking place. Anyone who utilises this footage as a way to bandstand any issues will be treading on very precarious ground as it is quite baseless. Any individual that can survive this onslaught personally and professionally must come from a very tidy background. So what benefit are those trying to gain that are dragging this up from the past. This is what I am now going to further investigate. There is something untoward taking place. Perhaps another travesty of the truth for personal gain. I again direct you to the David Millikan book and feel strongly that this is the most valuable data on this woman they call a cult leader. No judgement should be made until you read it. Judge for yourself! As this topic becomes increasingly popular, I will endeavour to keep providing you with unbiased information that allows you to look deeper and discover the truth behind the lies or should I say hidden agendas. Next there will be presented a dossia on the other people originally involved followed by the latest scrum and their connections to each other, which makes it impossible to accept that these people are concerned members of the general public.

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